
My boy Texan and I at the French Open Championships this July, competing in our favourite discipline, horseback archery.
Phytolean and Phyto GI helped Texan loose his fat pads, and 160 kg, 2 years ago and
his biome test confirmed what I already suspected: he puts on weight just by looking at grass! A cure of suggested Biome Foods plus continued Phytolean & Biome 7 have helped keep the weight off, even after an (unfortunate and unforseen) obligatory field change this spring to long, lush fertilised grass.
The daily supplements are mixed with a chopped apple, a large variety of dried plants and low sugar chaff, damped down.
Texan is a 14 yo Fjord x Anglo-Arab gelding. He lives out at grass 24/7, barefoot, in a small group with access to tree and hedgerow foraging. We hack out frequently on field tracks, salt marsh, beach and forest and take one lesson a week at our local riding school which allows us to train and compete in archery, showjumping, equifeel, barrel race, pole bending and TREC.