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Bryony and Bob

Bob is an 11-year-old miniature Shetland who is prone to laminitis. He has been owned by Bryony since he was eight and before his feet were sore he was a lead rein pony. Bryony is delighted with Bob’s progress since taking the EquiBiome Test.

Bob the Miniature Shetland’s Chronic Laminitis

Said Bryony: “I found out about the EquiBiome faecal test through my equine podiatrist, Jayne Hunt, who trims Bob’s feet. I got her involved because he had a laminitis attack and after treating him as per the vets’ regime he wasn’t recovered fully. Jayne started looking after him in February 2018.

Jayne and I started trying to work out what was going on with Bob to cause his sore-footedness. We tried all manner of remedies and diet changes that Jayne had had success with for other clients but nothing was working with Bob and his laminitis became chronic.

Jayne mentioned that EquiBiome did a faecal test and by late spring this year I was keen to try it as we were having no luck getting Bob significantly better for prolonged periods of time.”

The EquiBiome Test Reveals Low Gut Bacteria Diversity

When Bob’s test results arrived Bryony felt hopeful that there were things she could help to fix with his gut. The most concerning thing about Bob’s test results was his poor diversity of gut bacteria, which was 414 rather than 800-1,500. Bryony was advised to put Bob on a course of Biome Food 5 at the same time as Biome Food 4.

Added Bryony: “This is the only thing that has worked to improve his condition over the last 20 months and I’m very grateful! We tried all the remedies that normally sort out horses that are laminitic but nothing worked for a prolonged period and I was very worried and sad about not finding a solution.

“I would recommend the test to other owners who are struggling with laminitis. I am just hoping Bob continues to improve and he gets better and better thanks to the EquiBiome Team.”

Gain Insights into Your Horse’s Gut Health

The EquiBiome Test and our Biome Foods are not intended to cure or treat chronic laminitis or any other condition. However, the EquiBiome Test can provide insights into the state of the microbiome in the horse’s hind gut. As with Bob’s case, taking the EquiBiome Test allowed his owner to see a missing piece of the puzzle in his very poor diversity of gut bacteria. Based on the results of the test, we were able to recommend the right Biome Foods for Bob.

Ready to uncover insights about your horse’s hind gut health? Explore our range of equine faecal test kits and discover the keys to supporting your horse’s gut health.

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