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Biome Food 1 For Equine Gut Imbalances


There are many different types of gut imbalance and the Equibiome Report accurately identifies the best way to restore and rehabilitate the microbial population of the gastrointestinal tract.

Biome Food 1 should be given to help restore the microbial population.

Biome food 1 contains human grade high-quality hydrolysed protein isolate, treated enzymatically to provide 90% protein, supporting good metabolism and gut health by-

Feeding the good gut bacteria including Clostridium Hiranonis

Helping to buffer the gut wall.

Restores health and prevents leaky gut.

1 x 25 ml scoop daily


N.B. Images showing packaging are for illustrative purposes only

Biome Food 1 For Equine Gut Imbalances

SKU: 274
  • The microbiome of the horse is a complex and diverse community, the NGS test provides a real time snap shot of the entire microbial community This product is matched to your report helping to take the guess work out of what and how to supplement for health. 

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