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Equine Faecal Test for Horses with Headshaking Syndrome


Update on Headshaking

The gut microbiome profile of a head shaker

Lower Alpha Diversity

Higher levels of pathogens (disease-causing bacteria).

Higher levels of AMR's

Higher levels of clostridia – a large family of well -studied pathogens, linked to colitis, diarrhea, liver disease, lockjaw (tetanus), and botulism. Has been named as a possible pathogen in grass sickness. 

Higher levels of a toxin producing bacteria called cyanobacteria.

Nonexistent levels of   Gemmatimonadota microbes

The report will contain results of all the above microbes plus management and diet recommendations to help restore balance to the microbiome. 

Equine Faecal Test for Horses with Headshaking Syndrome

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